Plated Cast Iron- Stripping?

Happy Friday Everybody!
I hope all is well,

I recently picked up this plated Wagner skillet at my local flea market (first plated piece I have found in the wild); when I first got it, It was quite grungy, and the only part that I could tell was plated was the handle- I put it in my lye bath for a week, and pulled it out just the other day- to find that about half of the plating was missing......

....Has anybody had any experiencing stripping the remaining plating? Will my E-Tank do the job? any other suggestions?

I am assuming that it doesn't- as it would then just be a normal CI, but does stripping affect the value?

Thanks All!
Chrome plated pieces are polished before they are plated, and will never be the same if de-plated as a piece that was never chrome plated. Wagner, however, plated with nickel exclusively, and I don't think they did any polishing prep beforehand. While true a worn plated piece is considered less valuable than an intact one or even a bare iron one in excellent condition, removing plating is typically not cost effective. Our electro setups may further loosen already loose plating, but what is still stuck tight will probably remain that way.