Please Help w/ Identification of this Unbranded Skillet

Usually I have been successful with identifying unmarked items through research, but I'm a little lost with this one. At first I thought it was a Vollrath, but the more I compared it to others, I am less certain. The handle spine seems to be a little different, additionally there is no pan size number on the bottom. Only numbers are the "7" on the top of the handle and the number "2" on handle and skillet, which I assume are smith marks or mold marks.

If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it
From just the upper left photo, I would be tempted to think Vollrath as well, but the underside of the handle is not at all like Vollrath.. The outside heat ring and "smashed" handle reinforcement ridge are consistent with characteristics of what some would like to think are Blacklock, the earliest Lodges, but the other incised numerals don't conform to that scenario. More likely some other unknown foundry using one of those pans to create their own patterns, adding their own manufacturing markings. I don't think the double circle has anything to do with a ghost of another maker, but rather is just an artifact of some shaping or smoothing done in a circular fashion to the bottom.
Outside of Erie skillets, the term maker's mark doesn't have much meaning. Those marks referred primarily to the symbols inscribed in the pattern(s) ostensibly by their maker(s). Any incised marking would have to already be in the pattern before casting a piece from it. Small incised number or letters usually serve to identify an individual working pattern for purposes such as quality control or shift production. The term molder's mark refers to raised (usually) letters made by a foundryman impressing them into the sand after removing the pattern from, but before reassembling and pouring molten iron into the mold.