Pointer Stove and Range, Gohmann brothers and Kahler, New Albany Indiana


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pointer stove and range

I've found references to the Gohmann name with Anchor stoves and ranges and now this variation (these are the sons of the man involved with Anchor)... and also National Stove Works in Louisville Ky. It looks like the Terstegge and Gohmann foundry started in the 1860's in Louisville... and possibly burned around 1908... and the Gohmann brothers and Kahler started around 1902 and probably closed around the start of WWII.

Thanks for the pics.......something I never saw for sure. I have a few match safes too. I like them.,
I got pics now.

Interesting. Is that yours?
I love finding unique pieces like this.
yes. I like the stove advertising pieces also... and I'm not too far from New Albany and the history of Gohmann and the other Louisville iron foundries is interesting to me.