Reference books

What reference books do you use? I have these at the moment. The Yellow book should be here today.
Are there any other books I should seek out?


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I think you pretty much have the ones worth having, unless you have an interest in what's covered in the gray book. Or the yellow book if interested in Griswold gem & muffin pans. The rest of what's out there are just earlier editions of the same things. Catalog reprints are very illuminating, if you can find some. I have a few from eBay and alibris. This should keep you busy for a while:

It says 1900, but it's more like 1912. Online finds like it are few and far between, however.
That is the gray book. The other I would have to know it contained a significant amount of cookware info, but it doesn't appear to be something I personally would be interested in.