W. Hilditch
Active member
This is our kitchen counter. Too much stuff, but can you tell what is missing?

When reheating food we often think first of an oven. In this kitchen there is a regular oven that can double as a convection oven, two toaster ovens (A ’59 model that stays on the table.) and a roaster oven all of which can reheat most everything. Most of time a cast iron skillet does the job for us. With a cover or a piece of foil it is great for pizza, meats, breads & sweets and most anything that was cooked in it originally. The flavor and texture of the food seems to come out the best when reheated in a skillet. Even my dad’s slumgullion (chili mac).
Oh yea, we do have a microwave oven. It’s hidden in the cabinet next to the pantry door. It’s used to thaw out chicken when necessary or reheat meat and veggie combo lunches.

When reheating food we often think first of an oven. In this kitchen there is a regular oven that can double as a convection oven, two toaster ovens (A ’59 model that stays on the table.) and a roaster oven all of which can reheat most everything. Most of time a cast iron skillet does the job for us. With a cover or a piece of foil it is great for pizza, meats, breads & sweets and most anything that was cooked in it originally. The flavor and texture of the food seems to come out the best when reheated in a skillet. Even my dad’s slumgullion (chili mac).
Oh yea, we do have a microwave oven. It’s hidden in the cabinet next to the pantry door. It’s used to thaw out chicken when necessary or reheat meat and veggie combo lunches.