Repro or not?


Gris No. 6 Vienna roll pan. Forgive the color; it had more surface rust than I wanted to deal with so I am going to have to rebuild my electrolysis tank to finish the clean up. Right now just has a layer of wet Pam on it to minimize further corrosion till I am ready.

image by twillightkids, on Flickr

image by twillightkids, on Flickr

image by twillightkids, on Flickr

image by twillightkids, on Flickr

My inclination is that it is real, but there are somethings that are odd about it. The "6" is very poorly done, and is more of a knob than a number. Some of the notches (see 3rd pic) are very poorly cast. On the other hand, the iron is very thin and "Griswoldy". The cups themselves are well finished, and the edge scalloping around the perimeter of the piece is very finely done. My guess is it was an early pan of this type and all of the production kinks had not been worked out yet. Any thoughts?
According to the YB, not currently at hand, there are 6 variations of this pan. I see nothing to indicate it's not genuine.
And here we go...

image by twillightkids, on Flickr

image by twillightkids, on Flickr

Cleaned up pretty nice! So I was looking through the YB that I finally decided to buy, and I feel like most of the prices are quite high. I still feel good about getting this one for $45 total. In general, how does everyone feeling about values in the YB? I kind of feel like a good deal is about 1/3 to 1/2 of what is listed therein.