rust stains

Those black stains where rust spots once were can often be removed, or at least minimized to the point they will blend in with seasoning. Try a 50/50 water/white vinegar soak for 30 minutes, followed by scrubbing with a stainless steel Chore Boy. This can be tough on a larger piece because you want to completely submerge it, and even at 50/50, it takes a lot of vinegar. If not completely submerged, you'll be left with a line of color difference between what was in and what was not. You may have to repeat this process a few times, and it still may not get them completely out.

Alternatively, you can spray on full strength white vinegar, let sit for 5-10 minutes, and then scrub with the Chore Boy. Vinegar dripping down the sides will cause lighter colored run marks, but scrub those areas, too, and they'll go away. Rinse well, and don't leave full strength vinegar on for more than a short time.
thanks for the quick response Doug.just finished cleaning a chicken fryer that has a lot of stalns that i would like to remove before seasoning.
I had this problem and used the vinegar bath. For every 4 cups water I used 2 cups vinegar. It took about a gallon. I also used the no scratch sponge and the steel wool for tougher areas. The pan looks amazing now especially after seasoning with real lard.