Sad Iron Heater

RJ Ruchti

Active member
This is the tray or heater I picked up last Friday at an Antique place. Cleaned up good, no marking other than a number 8 on the one end bottom. Has gate mark, 9" wide and 19" long and 1" deep. Found it in the Red Book under the Lodge Sad Iron Heaters. First one I have seen like this. Nice flat tray would work good as a serving tray as it is only 8.5 lbs.

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Nothing about this one says Lodge to me, numeral font, gate mark, nor the handles.
Red Book in the Lodger section, page 231 top left in the square. 3rd row down at No. 8. Only place I could find anything that matched up with size, and the No. 8. Correct me if I am wrong as I would like to know for sure what it is if not Lodge. Nothing in Wagner line with the open handles and that size. Same with other casting I found.
Sad iron heaters were also, and more typically supplied as an accessory with stoves, kind of like an attachment brush on a vacuum cleaner. That the dimensions match shouldn't be taken as an indication of maker; an aftermarket maker (Lodge) would be wise to make its pieces fit generally-used dimensions. And even though an illustration, you can see the handles on the Lodge shown differ. IDing the maker on this one is unlikely.
Unknown maker it will be then. I thought the handles had about the same curvature as the illustration but cannot see the enlarged center of the handle on either one. Thanks again Doug, you just keep on busting my bubbles.