Seeking input on this WI

1. I’m not that familiar with Puritan, just with Griswold and this does not strike me as a Griswold. The bail attachments and support areas are different than the Griswold high base.
2. Not in my book. The handles need replacement with the fancier handles, one of the handle rest alignment tabs is broken and it needs refurbishment. It’s probably lighter than a Griswold so it wouldn’t be as good a cooker and it does not say Griswold. At $50 I’d let it be.

Puritan, Best Made, and Merit were Sears brands. At various points, Griswold, Favorite, and perhaps other makers were OEM suppliers of cast iron ware to Sears. This Puritan WI was made by Favorite. $129 may be a bit steep, but is not out of bounds, if intact and including a correct high base. The handles may or may not be original (the bottom darker one may be), as, typically, Favorite WI handles were tapered and did not obstruct the air-cooling hole. I don't know how one can judge weight from a photo. If you wanted to buy it, a discount would certainly be warranted if the base has minor damage and the handles are not correct. I would think $75-80 max. If you wanted to repro some handles, the tapered one is the one to base your copies on.

See also: