Should I Attempt Electrolysis on This Lantern?


A friend dropped off this "cast iron" lantern and asked me to submit it to electrolysis.

I don't think it is cast iron because the rust is too brown compared to the rust on my Red Mountain series skillet. Also why would you make an outdoor lantern out of cast iron? How would you expect to keep it from rusting?

She added it had been painted green, which you might be able to see in the closeup.

Anyway, should I put it in the electrolysis tank?
An item doesn't have to be cast iron for electrolysis to work on it. The lantern appears cast to me. It's an ornamental lantern, most probably from south east Asia, and not very old. As Doug said, if it's magnetic, electrolysis will work.
Thanks. Once again, You're right.

Here it is After Electrolysis (AE).

Next question. How can I/she get into the "crevices" to clean out the rust? My stainless steel brush is too big. Some of it scraps off. I'll leave the bells for her. If she wants to remove them, I'll put them back into the tank somehow.

Also, I want to hand it over to her. How should she store the lantern to work on it so that rust does not reform? A lye bath? I've been keeping it in the electro solution. She has neither.

Finally, if she does not paint it, how does she "season' it?
Spraying/wiping it down with mineral oil would be my next move. As far as what to get into the crevices, be creative, just not destructive.