Smart #8 Deeper rust removal needed?


New member
Hi all. First post here. Using the e-tank and then a separate quick vinegar bath and scrub I’m close to finishing the restoration of this vintage Smart #8. The top side has come out beautifully, but I’m unsure how much further I can take the bottom? Is this spotting on the bottom referred to as “deep rust”? There is no more carbon buildup. Will a few more vinegar baths and hard scrubbing even it out a bit more? Any suggestions? These are pre-seasoned photos.

Black stains such as these are an artifact of previously active rusting. Three options:

Spraying directly with 100% white vinegar and scrubbing with steel wool in short sessions (rinsing thoroughly between each) can minimize them. Downside is that dripping vinegar can leave streaks elsewhere.

Soaking in a product called Evapo-Rust. Downside, expensive for one pan.

Ignore and let them blend in with seasoning darkening over time.
Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that some spots will not lighten. Also wear surfaces take on a different color/ tone and texture, sometimes appearing darker. On top of what Doug wrote, get yourself a handheld stainless steel wire brush and work it. SOS pads have their place, just not with your issue.

Years ago I picked up a nice looking skillet with a fair amount of seasoning that showed no issues. Once out of my lye tank it had a light surface of rust from before they seasoned it. It just goes to show how a good seasoning will cover an issue.