Stripping One Surface Only....


Well-known member
So, I have a Wapak #12 that was pitted bad on the cooking surface,, but fine for the most part. After about 8 years of regular use, the pits are filling in very good. Anyway, the side on the outside are great, but the bottom needs some work. Its hard to see the 12 on the back, but Wapak is clear. Could I Easy Off just the back, if I masked off? This is probably a stupid question, lol.... but is there a way to make the 12 stand out clearly? You can see it in the right light. Thanks!!!
Stripping the whole thing for the sake of the marking wouldn't seem practical, nor would masking. Maybe apply a strong lye solution with a Q-tip just to the numbers? Don't mix it in a plastic container, and add the lye to the water, not the reverse.
I use electrolysis so I am unfamiliar with handling lye. Why not a plastic container. What material would you use for a lye tank?
Small amount of a strong solution in a container like a plastic cup will sometimes melt it.
I thought that might be the case. A quick internet search favored plastic in some solution strengths. The section on using lye on this site seems to prefer plastic for strengths typically used for a lye bath for cast iron.

Good idea though to emphasize adding lye to water and not the other way around, something I remember (not just lye) from High School chemistry class. A reminder never hurts though.
I thought about trying to "dig" the numbers with a small screwdriver. Its just build up from using it, but you cant tell what number it is. I like the seasoning otherwise, or I would just strip and start over.