Surprises never cease...

Mike F

I had (re?) introduced my family to skillet cornbread over the holidays and one of them, out of absolutely nowhere, pulled two grungy cornbread stick pans out of a drawer and asked if I could clean them. One of them was an unmarked Wagner, but the other was this (pic is post lye but pre vinegar):

I'm not as familiar with Griswold pieces, but what a beauty! I wonder how many other surprises are out there waiting to be discovered in random ways.
I also have the #27/638 and the A8027 aluminum version. There is a #28 larger (and more valuable) version.
That's a pretty darn nice surprise .

I've never come across one of those even at any price up here . Very nice piece .
Mike...You're going to love how it cooks. I have six of the corn wheat pans and all are great cookers. The #27, 272, & 2700 weren't all that hard to find but the more scarce ones that DougD mentioned are scarce and much more expensive. I also have the #1270 S. & R. like the one Donna posted plus the Merit & Puritan #1270's.
Unfortunately I was only asked to clean them. The owner did, however, promise to use them (and I believe her). Guess I'll just have to stick with my Wagner corn stick pans...