Testing for lead


New member
I am fairly new to the collecting and resurrection of cast iron. I have one concern about using the older vintgage cast iron and that is the whole idea of lead. Should I just find a lead test kit and test all my vintage pans, or just certain ones, ones that I suspect might be bad?
There are certain pieces that seem to be more prone to being used for melting lead. Corn stick pans, roll pans, some gem pans, etc. I don't have any of those because I simply have no interest in them. Larger pieces like pots, kettles, DOs, and at least larger skillets do not seem to have been used much for melting lead. FWIW, I've never tested anything for lead, but I don't have an extensive collection nor have I ever bought a piece that I thought (from just looking at it) was used for melting lead. Lead tests cost about $5 a pop.
All of what KevinE stated, but will add I have seen some small skillets used.

Look for any high heat damage, shiny specks of lead stuck to the iron piece.

They did make small cast iron pots for lead melting, but are not the same quality as a cooking piece.