To Grab or Not to Grab...


New member
Went into a local antiques establishment, one that I had not been to before.
About all I see is a scotch bowl...
Hmmm....looks in mighty fine shape.....
......pretty much perfect inside.......
......nice patina on the outside, not crud.....
.....worth a look on the bottom, I guess......

It appears that someone took something more than a wire brush, more like a stone to the underneath, inside the heat ring.
What does it say inside all the swirly grinding marks?

"ERIE" (not Griswold, just "ERIE")

They did go past the sesasoning into the metal, at least some...

Any opinions as to whether or not I should go back?
It was marked $30.

My heart is a bit broken...💔
Tough call. It depends on many factors. Do you want collectible quality or are you going to use it? If you strip it season it and use it, it will eventually turn blacker and cover minor flaws. ( I ruined my Mom's with a grinder before I found this site, but you can't tell now, it turned black with use) Also it depends on how scarce iron is in your area and the going prices, and the going prices plus shipping from EBay. Good luck!
Thanks for the reply, Russ.
I'm still up in the air.
A scotch bowl is something I wouldn't be likely to use, but aside from the recent abuse, it would be literally museum quality.
I'll scratch my head another night....