Unidentified D O


I picked up this DO in a package deal. It did not come with a lid. I do not think that a standard round lid will fit because of the flat areas where the bail is attached. Can anyone tell me who the maker might be? There are no markings on the botton or anywhere else.
Also, if you have seen one with a lid, can you describe it or send a picture of it?


Thanks for your help guys.

I think it is a BSR from the 50's or so. The lid looks a bit like a skillet lid with two ears and the BSR dimples. I may be wrong but I have seen a few of those.
Thanks Kyle.

I am a BSR fan and have quite a bit of it. I read everything I can find on the subject of BSR. I have never seen a BSR piece that would not accept a round lid. I haven't seen any with the Lodge style bales that are bent outward, nor any of their DO's that didn't have a size number on the bottom. The rough cooking surface indicates a post 1960 casting but there is no 'Made in the USA' inscription on the bottom. That being said, it could still be BSR.

I'm starting to think I may never know for sure.
