Verify Long Griddle ID Please


I picked this one up at flea market today. From what I can tell, it's a no name Wagner Ware made before 1960. It's flat, has no cracks or pits, and has just a little surface rust on the back. I'm not sure what it's worth, but I only paid $4.53 including tax, so I don't think I got hurt. 18.24.55.jpg?dl=0 18.25.07.jpg?dl=0 18.25.45.jpg?dl=0 18.25.59.jpg?dl=0
Thanks again Doug.

Ty, I get lucky sometimes. I almost walk right past it. When I saw it I picked it up and it didn't have a price tag, I took it up to the counter and they said they would have to call the vendor. I looked around some more, when I went back to the counter they said $6 with a 30% discount. :o I wasn't sure if they meant that was before the discount or after but I said I would take it. :D