Vinegar Bath for Rust


I have always used the 50/50 ration for vinegar baths to remove rust. However I recently had a lodge lid that would not come clean (deep black shadows with rust below) no matter how many soaking and scrubbing sessions I did. Finally I just submerged it in straight vinegar in the sink 30 minutes later it looked new. I know vinegar will deteriorate cast iron if it soaks to long but is there a danger from short soaks in straight vinegar?
Rather than submerge, I just spray straight vinegar on pieces for 30 minutes to reduce black stains from where rust was once active. Then scrub with SS scrubber or steel wool and rinse well. If there is any danger to soaking in straight vinegar, it's forgetting about it until after damage is done.
thank you for the suggestion I will try it tomorrow on a potato baker I have. Do you have to keep the surface wet by spraying it every few minutes during the 30 minute period or is one application sufficient ?