Wagner recast?

Not a recast. Markings wearing off would be rare if not next to impossible. Rather, an unmarked Wagner, sold in a cardboard sleeve under one or more names.

Might be a good idea to clarify "recast" here. A recast is a piece made using an actual pan as a pattern or, in some cases, as the basis for a pattern. They are typically of poor casting quality and finish, with gating not in keeping with that of the original piece. A foundry might copy the design of another virtually outright, e.g. Griswold #130 turk's head gem pan and Lodge's #19M2, but that wouldn't necessarily make Lodge's a recast.

See also: http://www.castironcollector.com/gems.php
Steve, I’m picking answer ‘C’. As it takes a lot of usage to wear cast iron, and a corn stick pan doesn’t normally see that much usage I pass on ‘A’. I don’t see any telltale signs it was a recast as the ears come to the edge and it looks like a very clean casting. I think it is from a pattern that was acquired one way or another from another company and altered to hide the original companies ID.


I see Doug got here first.
I was just wondering, and it could of been cast to hide it was made from a Wagner. Most all of it it very faint the -o- can still be seen as well as the July patent.

Again, it is an unmarked Wagner. As in made by Wagner, unmarked for a different market channel. Ghosts of markings makers filled in to create their unmarked pieces are not uncommon.
Thanks guys,
Kinda what I originally thought but I could have said it a bit more clearly.

All in all I was a good deal that day. The roommate wanted me to find him a corn stick pan and wanted to stay with the Wagner type CI and it came with a HR Griswold for me. We split the $22 and I got another pretty decent #8 for my kind of price.
LOL Mike, well that Particular piece kinda pointed me in a TM direction and a time line. So i guess a collector in a way I think. I do have 3 number 8's at the moment. The BSR would be hard to turn lose of and my main user is a well seasoned small logo Griswold till I get the new one broken in and slick. I just got it out of the lye bath Friday.