Wapak waffle iron

while antiquing today with my wife, Iran across a wapak Indian head 7 inch waffle iron with a high base with a bail handle and look like original handles,they wanted $95.00 for it.Is that a good price or should I try to get it for less? The price tag said it was from 1890's. Sorry no pictures left my phone at home.:roll:
Condition? Complete? I always try to get a better price. Does it appear the seller knows CI? Try $75.

Wapak is 1903-1926, BTW.
They have sold recently for $300+ on eBay. Probably should get it if it's not damaged.
Thanks for the information Doug,wife said we will go back and try to get it for $75.00.It appeared to be in real good condition and the handles look original,will post pics when I get it. the label called it a muffin pan.:chuckle:
Hey Doug, went back and bought the waffle iron not for $75 but for $50. My wife got it for my birthday. Doug how do you take the handles off to clean and season it?:bow:


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As I have had experience dealing with Griswold wood handles that were pinned, as this appears to be, I would like to butt in, but not until invited by Doug.

Geeze, it's a double ball model. Wapak WI handle attachments are all over the place. Some have a cast-in wood screw and unscrew to remove. Some have a pressed-on over metal shaft design. This one appears to have a retaining rivet/pin that's going to be hard to extract without damage. You may just have to suspend it with the handles out of the lye or electro, and bake on any seasoning over a burner. I can't find anything conclusive about how to remove the handles on this type without damage.
Geeze,Is that a good geeze or bad geeze or a caught in the middle geeze like the kind you get when the plumber whistles when you get the estimate to repair the toilet? What is a double ball model? Mr. Hilditch, If you or anybody else wants to help it would be appreciated. :icon_scratchchin:
Geeze,Is that a good geeze or bad geeze or a caught in the middle geeze like the kind you get when the plumber whistles when you get the estimate to repair the toilet? What is a double ball model? Mr. Hilditch, If you or anybody else wants to help it would be appreciated. :icon_scratchchin:

Very nice pics,happy birthday.double ball means like any other wi Has aball where connects both pads,the wapack has an extra ball by the handles, :icon_thumbsup:
Happy Birthday Tom! Those handles look pinned in the photos, you might be able to drill them out without damaging the handles. I bet they're mushroomed at the ends so you can't drive them out. If you can drill them, then you just have to find rusty pins :D
The first thing I would try is a drop of penetrating oil on the pins for 1 or 2 days. Then with a sharp pointed, heat treated, sacrificial knife blade see if I could back the pins out. LIGHT hammer/pointer taps may help. 50/50, but no damage. I would not try to twist the handles. If I couldn’t get the pins out then I would hang them from a rack over the bath to keep the wood above water level.

Thanks for the birthday wishes 64 on the fourth of Jan. Mr. Hilditch I am going to try the penetrating oil with the knife and or the pointed taps. Thanks for all the information...Tom:razz: