I picked up what I believe to be an unmarked Wagner #8, all of the unmarked I've seen either had a size and said skillet on the bottom, or had that with the addition of made in the USA, this has nothing on the bottom except a letter A on the underside of the handle and a dot in the flat spot where the handle meets the pan. I picked it up because it's flat and appeared to just have some surface rust. I run it through the etank and when I took it out there's this really weird spots like the skillet sat on its side with something in t for a while, sometimes I look at it and it seems like pitting and the metal is removed, however when I run my fingers over it the weird portions feel raised, like if they came off I would get down to the smooth pan surface. I hit it with 0000 steel wool and I couldn't tell if it got better. Anyone have any clues? The good thing is I don't have a lot invested but I sure would like to salvage it since it sits flat and the rest of the surface is nice and smooth. It is now back in the etank
Before https://imgur.com/a/KxiWa
After etank and steel wool https://imgur.com/a/JIA0m
Before https://imgur.com/a/KxiWa
After etank and steel wool https://imgur.com/a/JIA0m