Went Nuts on a Trip to the South.

Brian P

New member
I just came back from a week long work trip down south(Birmingham, Memphis, Nashville and places in between). The IT work did not take long so that left me with allot of time to drive from A to B and visit allot of southern antique and flea markets on the way. ;) You just don't see much cast iron at the antique malls where I am from up North let alone for so cheap. So I kind of went crazy for a bit.

Lots of BSR goodies. Red mountain skillets size 10, 8, 5, 3. A size 8 dutch oven with a red mountain lid and I hope bottom but I need to clean it to be sure. I also got a early Century 8 skillet without a made in usa stamp.
http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i330/Jetbo111/Cast Iron/BSR1_zpsikiee5fy.jpg

One very nice old lodge single notch with raised size 8.
http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i330/Jetbo111/Cast Iron/Lodge1_zpsvoayk9ks.jpg
http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i330/Jetbo111/Cast Iron/Lodge2_zpscl9k39hr.jpg

Two Wagner Ware Sidney O skillets(size 8 and 6 I think) I could not pass on. The small one has a older kind of handle I have not seen on the flat bottom Wagner skillet before.
http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i330/Jetbo111/Cast Iron/Wag1_zpsy5twimwx.jpg
http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i330/Jetbo111/Cast Iron/Wag2_zpsb0cijfsw.jpg

and finally 2 unknown mystery skillets. Any ideas?
http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i330/Jetbo111/Cast Iron/Mis1_zpsdwzfuiah.jpg
http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i330/Jetbo111/Cast Iron/Mis2_zpscvcepr3n.jpg
looks like a good haul, and being from the north as well, i know what your talking about with slim pickings sometimes!
I don't know who made them but I have a couple of skillets like the unknown one that the handle is wide where it attaches to the pan. I live in the south, lots of BSR and Lodge. I have quite a bit of pans that I need to post a picture on here to try and ID. Most will probably be dubbed SMS.