What's Different About These Dutch Ovens?


I was looking at my 2 Griswold dutch ovens and noticed that the markings are different. I know one is a #8 and one is a #9, and I believe they're both Large Block? Are they from different time periods?

2017-03-11 22.33.47.jpg

2017-03-11 22.34.28.jpg
I'm new to this hobby too, but it looks like one is large logo and the other is small logo -- the small logo came later (1950s), If I recall correctly. Both are nice pieces.
Yes, I'd say both large block, but I can't tell you why they're different. Someone with some knowledge will be along shortly though, so hang tight! :-)
I believe the #9/834 is the older piece since this pattern number is also found on DO's marked with the slant logo. It is usually found with a lid that is fully marked on top. The #8/1278 is a later piece and usually found with a smooth top or button logo lid.