Skillet Griddles
Nos. 107, 108, 109 and 110 are shown in E-7, E-10 and E-11. Only Nos. 108 and 109 are shown in the 1942 and 1950 catalogs. Small TM used on 108 and 109 in later years.
Dutch Ovens
E-7 "Tite-Top Baster" Nos. 6-13 Trivets were initially available for 8 and 9 only.
E-l0 "Tite-Top Dutch Oven" Trivet furnished with each size. Inside of cover "as cast"
E-11 "TiteTop Dutch Oven" w/trivet. Inside of cover with "Clean Easy" porcelain.
1942 "TiteTop Dutch Oven" w/meat rack and "Clean Easy" porcelain finish inside cover.
1950 Nos. 6 and 8 only, with stamped aluminum trivet.
Furnished in Nos. 6-13 during all of the above years except for 1950. The "meat rack" is made of wire and takes the place of the earlier cast iron trivets. "Baster" and early "Dutch Oven" covers are low domed while later (E-107) "Dutch Oven" covers are high domed. Nos. 7-9 in 1942 are possibly the later style pots with mediumlarge, block TM and late style smooth covers. Nos. 6 and 10-13 are probably the earlier pots but possibly with the writing removed from the tops of the covers. In 1950 No.6 is still probably the earlier style large, block TM pot but with no writing on top of the cover. No. 8 Dutch OVens in 1950 are certainly with small TM and were available with the following covers: Pyrex glass or cast iron with the inside of the cover "Plain" or with "Clean Easy" porcelain finish. No. 8 Dutch Oven covers were available separately in 1950. Nos. 6 and 8 w/iron covers "Pre-Seasoned, High Polished Ware" in 1950.
Dutch Oven-Bailed-with Legs
Nos. 8-13 are shown in catalogs E-7, E-10 and E-11 but not in the 1942 or 1950 catalog. All except No.10 are just about impossible to find. Covers for all sizes are flanged so that hot coals may be placed on them to give cooking heat from the top.
Oval Roasters
E-7 Nos. 3,5,7 Plain finish; no trivet available; no basting rings on cover
E-10 Nos. 3,5,7,9 Plain or polished finish; trivet furnished; basting rings or, cover
E-11 Nos. 3,5,7,9 Plain or polished finish; trivet furnished; basting rings on cover
1942 Nos. 3,5,7,9 Plain or polished finish; meat rack furnished; basting cover
1950 n/a
"Plain Finish" shipped unless orders specify "Polished Finish". Most Oval Roasters seen have the plain, as-cast, finish. The polishing was done only on the inside.
Flat Bottom Kettle and Iron Cover
Offered in sizes 6-10 in E-7, E-l0 and E-11 catalogs. The kettles were "Shipped without Cover unless ordered with Cover". In the 1942 catalog only sizes 8 and 9 were offered, with cover available on order. Flat Bottom Kettles not shown in 1950 catalog.
Scotch Bowls
Nos. 2-5 are shown in catalogs E-7, E- 10 and E-11: Nos. 3 and 4 in the 1942 catalog. No Scotch Bowls are shown in the 1950 price sheets.
Tea Kettles
E-7 early "ERIE" style, pit or flat bottom
E-10 No58 Flat Bottom Colonial Design (capacity 5 quarts)
E-11 No58 Flat Bottom Colonial Design-"Plain Finish" shipped unless Order specifies "Galvanized Finish"
1942 and 1950 No tea kettles offered.
Although appearing in at least two catalogs, the No58 Colonial Design cast iron tea kettle has yet to turn up in any collections as far as this editor knows.
Other Kettles, Bowls and Pots
The following were offered in E-7 and E-l 0: Yankee Bowl, Maslin Shaped Kettle, Low Kettle, Regular Kettle, Regular Bulged Pot, Flat Bottom Bulged Pot, Eccentric Kettle, Eccentric Bulged Pot, and Extra Large Eccentric Pot. Just a few years Later, in E- 11, only the Maslin Kettle, Yankee Bowl, and Regular Kettle were being offered. None were offered in the 1942 catalog except for the above mentioned Flat Bottom Kettle and Scotch Bowls and even these were gone by 1950. On page 35 of CICN Scotch Bowls are being offered as gifts. This might have been Griswold's way of disposing of a limited number of remaining Scotch Bowls.