The given depth of a Victor #9 in a catalog from what would have been the inset HR period is 1-7/8" with top OD 11" and bottom 9-1/8". For a recast using an actual Victor #9 as basis for a pattern, one would expect some shrinkage relative to a genuine Victor. At 1/8" of shrink per foot, that would make the recast top/bottom a bit under those dims and the height difference so negligible as to likely be unnoticeable. Assuming, of course, the catalog dims are exact, not nominal. Is there any evidence of buttering over a TM or a ghost of one at 12 o'clock?
I can confirm the top and bottom measurements from my #9 victor... exact to what Doug stated above.
I take that back... my bottom, measuring the inset heat ring is less than 9... closer to 8 7/8