A lot of thoughts and ideas. If you were to go to a bbq competition that is not sponsored by a major brickett mfg you will see all use natural charcoal out of the bag or from the fire drum. Yes it takes some time to get used to but for long term smoking the natural can be lite on one side of the heap and it will move slowly thus cooking for a long time. For direct grilling/cooking you will get more temp out of natural. IMHO.
Now....for the hunt camp I buy kings ford for the ease and economy. It works well for,the burgers, chicken, and steaks. For home and the couple of times I have gone to cook for a trophy....I use lump or natural style charcoal.
Now....for the hunt camp I buy kings ford for the ease and economy. It works well for,the burgers, chicken, and steaks. For home and the couple of times I have gone to cook for a trophy....I use lump or natural style charcoal.