eBay Headings

Thanks Bonnie. I just believe his prices are a premium for my budget and that's why I commented what I did. Thank you for setting me straight.
I have to admit some of my listings are pretty stupid also, i'm learning fom you all. but I had to buy something the other day on eBay that even I knew as a classic dumbass remark. felt sorry for them. wagner w/ wooden handles and makes dimply pancakes! If I get that bad please tell me.:shootself:
Please E don't take the posts I make as ridicule, I just laugh at how people can be so sincere about something they know nothing about. It's actually sad in a way but the headings we talk about are an object lesson in themselves for members here who might not know better.

If you look at my posts in other threads, I even have to ask about things still and I'm corrected more than once. You are here with the rest of us learning and doing your best and that's a good thing.

Not really a heading ...but was scanning eBay a couple of weeks back and this one still pops in my mind... No 8 3 notch lodge in excellent shape ...cleaned and painted in a nice satin black with Valspar ....I still scratch my head over this one !!!!!!!!
I just noticed that someone bought that Indian Head skillet from Sea Glass. That was a really cool skillet. I certainly learned an object lesson from this thread.