Graphite as Sacrificial Anode

Re: Graphite as Sacrificial Anode - cut to size

Thanks Doug. This turned out to be much to do about nothing. This plate is soft, I cut it in half with a hacksaw blade and it took only a few minutes.

The electro tank loves it. In just minutes it had a white froth on top that looks like fresh snow.
I thought about that, and read about doing that on thinner plates, but I ruined a lot of ceramic tile trying to figure out how to do that. I can't afford very many practice sessions on the graphite plates.
J Ottinger
There is no doubt a power saw could cut it. However that would be very much like driving a tack with a sledge hammer. It will get the job done but the side effects could be bad.
I can say for certain the graphite plate has helped. My E tank has a ton more bubbles and clean time has been cut down greatly. Even with the cleanest of steel plates, I never had this many bubbles! Also, the water stays much cleaner.
That's a great looking design for a tank, I thought. 4 plates

The plastic milk carton to hold the cast iron looked like a good idea with no ghosting
I have to say I agree with some of the comments on the video. It doesn't take all this elaboration to adequately clean iron via electrolysis. The graphite plate I now use is the most sophisticated part of my set up, the rest is coat hanger wire and a wood dowel. It has served me well for years and hundreds of pieces.
No question all of that setup in the video isn't necessary and overkill... right up my alley.

It's just a nice tidy job, and I like the 4 plate idea so I don't have to adjust.
Folks just need to be aware that many times a youtube video is less about a realistic presentation on the subject matter and more about look-at-me-I-can-make-a-video. Not saying that setup won't work great, just saying for the average person's needs it's not required.
Those are small for the price. And ship from China. The ones I bought, see post #13 this thread, are currently OS, but the same seller had others similarly well priced.
That seller currently doesn't have any items up for auction/sale. I've sent him an email to see if he has or will be getting any more. Didn't see any others on eBay. Are you still happy with them? I'm tired of scraping the steel down and still having diminished performance.