No notch lodge #14 ? Continuous heat ring raised S 6 clock

Ron Gilman

New member
The pan has scribed 14 at 12 o’clock and raised s @ 6.

2 3/4 or 3 in depth.

15 across from spouts and has a no hole helper handle
Age ? Brand ? Share thoughts ..


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Apparently Lodge. No-notch, unmarked would likely place it ca. mid to late 1930s. I have seen this pan with same cock-eyed 14 but with molder's mark under the assist tab instead of at 6 o'clock.
I also saw some mention of blacklock. I don’t think is that old. Also someone in fb posted the list from here saying lodge did a no notch 14 and read a previous post to mine that said red book didn’t show no notch 14. I appreciate feedback. Can’t find one anywhere on line or for sale.that redbook comment is confusing but I’m new to this.
So I was looking online for any sales, evaluations, history of a no notch lodge 14 and there is nothing. Seems odd I can find Erie spiders for sale , I can find wapak Indians big and small. 0 notch lodge not a thing !!!! except they made a 14 in 0 notch Seen plenty of 3 notch also saw some previous posts here about 14’s . It also appears this one is earlier like 1920’s.Anyone have anything they can add ?. 0 notch #14 ???
So you think no notch lodge 14? I can find sales of Erie spiders, big and small wapak indians but no sales or history or anything on it online.
Thanks Doug and Chuck , I went back thru history here and found the post from 23 about no notch w/ S on helper tab. Sorry didnt check here deeper but I do appreciate the help and knowledge. Now I have some more work and research to do.