Unusual Walker Foundry Erie Spoonrest?


New member
My Ebay forum folks advised me this is a spoonrest. Can anyone tell me more about it? I researched Walker Foundry; I found next to nothing. I read that in the late 1800s, it was owned by George Black, they manufactured Gray Iron Castings and had financial issues in 1922. No google hits on a photo search on this item. Wish I knew more about the history on it, including value. It measures 9.75" x 3".


  • spoonresta.jpg
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  • spoonrestb.jpg
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At the least maybe the pics I have uploaded can be linked to the Walker Foundry database listings, since there is nothing posted that is linked to this foundry yet?
Im from PA, and I have never heard of or seen anything from that foundry...it could also be an incense burner? Pretty cool anyways....and welcome to the Forums!
Thank you, Sean! I love this piece. The casting is incredibly detailed and fine. Whatever it is, I'm keeping it. And I wondered if I was the only one on the forum who has an Erie Walker Foundry piece... I guess thats a yes. Its a shame there is so little info on the net about this foundry.
Found this at PreservationErie site:

“The new Forensic Investigation Center, located at 246 West Sixth Street, was originally known as the George Black House. The residence, built in 1908 by George I. Black, former President of the Walker Foundry Company, is part of the West Sixth Street Historic District. This innovative learning facility looks like an actual family dwelling, but it is really a “working laboratory” where students practice the skills they’ve learned in the classroom to find evidence…..”
It appears the Blacks were involved in manufacturing in Erie around 1900. Could be a place to start searching.


Exactly, Jack. That same article is where I learned about the Walker Foundry having financial trouble in 1922. Someone on Ebay thought they manufactured cooking vessels, but I have not read any article that indicates this... I will keep digging.